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What do I do if I am concerned about a child or the conduct of an adult?

If you have a concern about a child  it is vital that you share your concern.

If we receive information that leads us to be concerned that a pupil has been harmed or is at risk of harm or their welfare is being compromised, we are required to act appropriately to ensure action can be taken to protect the pupil concerned.

You can contact Mr Doherty, our Head of School, who is also the Designated Safeguarding Lead, through the school office or via email:

You can also share your concern with Mrs Bryant (our welfare officer) who is our Deputy Safeguarding Lead. She can be contacted through the school office or via email:

The Designated safeguarding governor is Tony Corish who can be contacted through the school office.

You can make a referral directly to MASH ( Multi Agency Safegaurding Hub) through Stronger families - 01895556006 or via email on:

You can also contact in the local authority: 

Nicole Diamond (schools child protection lead and deputy LADO)  -

Alternatively you can get in touch with the NSPCC who offer professional support and guidance. Click on the link below.

NSPCC - reporting abuse

If you have a safeguarding concern about the conduct of an adult in school,  it is vital that you share your concern.

Please share your concern with Mr Doherty or Mrs Acres in his absence  A referral will be made to the LADO (Local designated safeguarding officer) if the threshold has been met. 

If you have a concern about the conduct of Mr Doherty towards a child please contact the Executive Headteacher through the school office or via

You may also contact the LADO directly.

Hannah Ives (LADO)

Nicole Diamond (Deputy LADO and schools child protection lead)