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History, Geography, Art & Design Technology

Integrated Curriculum

Integrated curriculum (History, Geography, Art & Design Technology)

Throughout the school children follow a different integrated curriculum topic each half term.
In Early Years children follow ten topics in Nursery and six half termly topics in Reception, (see table below for details).  The topics are chosen to compliment the requirements of the foundation stage curriculum and Early Learning Goals, whilst also reflecting the calender and church seasons.  Each topic allows the children to engage in activities in the seven key areas of learning and experience a wide range of themes throughout the year.

In Key Stages 1 and 2 these topics are either History or Geography centred and will also include an Art or Design Technology (DT) project.  See individual tables below


History projects are all designed to develop the generic skills of chronology and organising and presenting knowledge and understanding. Each topic then also focuses on one of three key historical skills:

  1. Historical enquiry - using a different range of sources of primary and secondary evidence to find out about the past.
  2. Looking at important historical events and understanding the lives of men and women and children from different periods in time. 
  3. Understanding how things have changed and the reasons for and results of these changes.

The curriculum is further enhanced through visits to Museums and in-school, hands on, workshops.










Chronology-  using their own lives and families
Events –Story of Bonfire Night

Great Fire of London 
Historical Enquiry – how do we know what happened by looking at different sources of evidence such as the diary of Samuel Pepys. 
Events and People – how the Romans invade Britain and what effect it had on the country including a visit to Verulanium Museum in St Albans.
Historical Enquiry – finding out about Henry V111 and life in Tudor times using a range of sources including a visit to Hampton Court.

Ancient Greeks 
Events and People – learning about the main features of Ancient Greek Culture and events such as the Battle of Marathon, including an Ufton Court workshop.
Change /People – focusing on the lives of working children and how they changed as a result of social reformers, including an Ufton Court workshop.
Chronology/ enquiry – putting toys in order and knowing how we find out what life was like in the past
People - Stories about famous Britons
Changes – what life is like on the canals and how their use has changed over time.

Anglo Saxons and Vikings 
Change – finding out how life changed in Britain with the invasion of the Anglo Saxons and Vikings including an Ufton Court workshop.

World War 2
Events and People – learning how the events of WW2 had an impact on ordinary people, especially children, including an Ufton Court workshop and a visit to RAF Uxbridge Battle of Britain bunker.
Change – looking at how life changed after WW2, up to and including the 1960’s.

British Explorers
Events and People/Historical enquiry – children combine the skills developed throughout Key Stage 2 to carry out an independent project on the life and impact of a famous British Explorer of their choice.
Famous People
Events and People –learning about Florence Nightingale and her importance.

Castles/Norman Conquest
Events and People- looking at the impact of the Norman conquest

Ancient Egypt
Historical Enquiry – finding out about life in Ancient Egypt using a range of sources.

Change – studying Mayan culture and how it disappeared with the invasion of the Europeans.

Local History 
Historical enquiry – finding out about West Drayton’s past using a local area history walk, photographs, maps, census details and the internet.
Stone Age To Iron Age
Change / historical enquiry – learning about the major changes in life during this large timeframe and discovering how we know about what life was like.


All Geography projects are designed to develop maps skills, geographical vocabulary enquiry skills, including fieldwork, and then each topic focuses on one of three key geographical skills:

  1. Having an understanding of places - where they are, what they are like and how they relate to each other.
  2. Understanding physical and human patterns and processes such as weather and transport.
  3. Sustainability - looking at how humans damage and seek to improve the environment.






Our School
Places / Sustainability – learning about our school and how we should look after it, including fieldwork opportunities around the school
Places – learning about the key features of the polar region using a range of resources.

Extreme Climates
Places – focusing on the differences between the physical and human features of desert and polar regions

River Thames
Places /Sustainability – what is the River Thames like and what is being done to keep it clean.

Power of Nature
Patterns and Processes – understanding the processes and reasons behind extreme events like earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis

United Kingdom
Places – learning more about the UK and focusing on map skills and learning about physical and human features 
United Kingdom
Places / Skills – learning about the characteristics of the four regions of the UK while developing map skills.
Patterns and processes- looking at the seasonal differences of weather in the UK and carrying out weather surveys at home and school

Sustainability – investigating rainforests and what can and is being done to protect them.

Patterns and processes – understanding different forms of transport and how they help us connect with other locations, including the opportunity to carry out a traffic survey.
Going Green
Sustainability- understanding how we impact on the environment and how we also seek to improve it through initiatives such as renewable energy and recycling, including fieldwork around the school.
Extreme Weather
Patterns and processes- looking at the processes behind extreme weather such as hurricanes, tornadoes and blizzards.
Places / Skills – learning about Kenya comparing it to the UK using a variety of geography skills.
Our Local Environment 
Sustainability – going out into the local area and looking for opportunities to improve it, especially in regards to traffic.
Patterns and processes – understanding why this vast country varies so much in climates and lifestyles
Sustainability / Places – understanding the key features of the country and how fair-trade is part of building a more sustainable future.
Down Under
Places – learning about the physical and human features of Australia and New Zealand

The European Union
Places – looking at the development of the European Union and the features of some of the countries within it.


Across the Key Stages, Art projects are planned so that children experience and develop skills in a range of media; drawing, painting, collage, digital art, printing and three-dimensional work. Whilst using these media children will also think about the key ideas of colour, pattern, texture, line and form.

Each project follows a simple process;

  1. Researching the work of artists working in different times and cultures.
  2. Learning and practising new skills related to the media being used.
  3. Producing a piece of work.
  4. Evaluating Outcomes.





Portraits -experimenting with different media and paint whilst looking at shapes and looking at the work of Picasso
Bonfire picture- Tone – light and dark
Christmas decorations – choosing shiny and reflective material
Great Fire of London pictures Experimenting with colour mixing,media, lines and marks.
Extreme Landscapes pictures - Colour mixing and  painting techniques including learning about tints and tones
Tudor Portraits – investigating texture of different materials to recreate famous Tudor portraits by Holbein.
3D Clay
Greek Pots – building on Year 2 work to create more sophisticated and accomplished clay pots with a focus on form and pattern.
Landscape watercolour paintings- developing knowledge of  primary and secondary colours whilst also learning about perspective and composition
Tartan – weaving different materials such as ribbon and paper inspired by Scottish and Irish tartan

3D Pots
Papier Mache pots - Making pots and painting them in the style of canal art

Rainforest pictures –looking at work of Henri Rousseau and using colour pencils to experiment with tone and  shape

Digital Media
WW2 Propaganda Posters – using more advanced IT skills to combine text and graphics

Printing Digital Media
Andy Warhol portraits – using screen printing and digital photography programme to recreate work in style of Andy Warhol

3D Mod Roc and Wire 
British Explorer sculpture – using wire and mod roc to create a sculpture pertinent to a Famous Briton.

African Patterns – simple basics of block printing to create African inspired repeated deigns.

Creating heraldic shields and building on paining skills taught in previous years

Indian printing – investigating pattern and line through repeated patterns using Lino Printing

3D Clay
Clay Mayan Gods – using clay to form small models.

Aboriginal art – looking at the pattern, line and colour of Aboriginal dot paintings

Famous European artists – recreating paintings by famous European Artists using carefully chosen materials.

Design Technology

In Key Stages 1 and 2, DT projects are planned so that children develop a number of skills using a range of media; food, textiles and sheet materials. Children may also be involved in designing procedures such as safety instructions.

These projects also follow a simple procedure:
Investigating products similar to the design brief.
Creating working, realistic plans.
Producing a product.
Testing and evaluating the product against the design brief.






Design Process
Christmas decorations – an introduction to the design process through making a Christmas decoration linked to work in Science on light and dark
Antarctic patch - Create a name patch/tag for a polar explorer using different materials and simple running stitch.
A Roman purse – use different sewing stitches to design and make a purse use only materials the Romans would have had available to them.

Sheet Materials
Boats – design and make a model of boat suitable for a journey down the River Thames, ensuring joins are secure and water resistant.
Emergency bag and plan – on paper design an emergency bag suitable for the aftermath of a natural disaster and make a plan for your family to follow in an event such as a fire.
Moving Toys – learn about Victorian moving toys and use a simple mechanism to design and build own toy.

Vehicles – use kits to make simple wheeled vehicles

Food Technology
Fruit Salad – design and make fruit salad using ingredients that grow in countries whose weather they have been learning about. 
Food Technology
Bread – design and make bread a staple food in Anglo Saxon and Viking times.

K’nex transport – design and build a model vehicle using K’nex construction materials

Sheet Materials
Eco-house -Design and make a model of an eco house using a range of materials and sophisticated joining techniques.

No DT project due to Passion Play and SATs preparation.

Moving picture Book – children create a simple page for a moving picture book as a way of learning about simple movement.
Sheet Materials
Castles – design and build a castle using card and join securely using different techniques.
Levers – investigating how the Ancient Egyptians used different mechanisms such as levers and understanding how these work.
Food Technology
Fair-trade cakes – design and make cakes using only fair-trade foods available in the supermarket. 
Computer Aided Design
House of the future – use a simple CAD programme to design a house of the future linked to work on changes over time in the local area.
Food Technology
European meal – design and make a healthy dish inspired by the foods typical of a European Country.